Grandes Serres, audace, créativité, vin, création, audacity, creativity, wine, creation


I. Audacity and creativity

Forget your preconceptions, embrace the unexpected, history begins today…

Under the leadership of Romain Leroy, “the alchemist,” Grandes Serres is a pioneer in tastes and trends, a cabinet of curiosities with rare pieces and original works, inspiring, explosive, and perhaps a tad unconventional at times. All reflections of the team’s creative inspiration.

We like to shake things up,
change the rules,
stray from the beaten path,
own our differences,
and not be afraid
to take the occasional fall.

To be our best.

II. Vines and wines au naturel

We believe that our salvation lies in nature.
As such, we choose the only method sustainable for our future: agroecology.

This global, holistic approach is based on traditional farming practices and modern advances in scientific ecology. Grandes Serres aims to reconcile agricultural development and environmental protection

What does this mean in action?

Organic farming across the board, of course, but also the implementation of biodynamic methods, working with the lunar calendar, using green fertilizer and cover crops, and tilling our oldest vines with horses (we respect our elders here!).

Winemaking processes free of sulfur and commercial yeasts,
planting the vineyard with hedges and shrubs,
and countless other initiatives…

Grandes Serres, vins, chateauneuf du pape

III. Culture and art of living

At Grandes Serres, we thrive on art and culture. We collaborate with several artists who translate our wines through their creations.

We are always at the ready to share our wines at unusual and unexpected events: moveable feasts, music festivals, exhibits…

Always with the same intention: bring joy

And now, surprise and entice as well. In our own unique way, we are writing a new page in the history of this terroir.

We stand for a refreshing and innovative take on the French art of living through our wines, and through the colorful universe of our brands and future events, whether they be cultural, culinary, ecotourism, celebratory…

IV. The Grandes Serres adventure

We have put together a team that is colorful, boisterous, bubbly even. We’re embarking on this adventure with winemakers who are ready to take up the gauntlet, join us for exciting projects, and grow together.

To be a part of the Grandes Serres team is to make a commitment, campaign for a revival, assert our values, share our wildest dreams.

Raise a glass with us!

430 Chemin de l'Islon Saint-Luc 84230 Châteauneuf-du-Pape

+33.4 90 83 72 22