Grandes Serres, French Culture, Châteauneuf-du-Pape, CDP, vin rouge, vin blanc

Privacy Policy

Article 1 : preamble

This privacy policy applies to the website:

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to expose website users to:

  • The manner in which their personal data are collected and processed. All data that may identify a user must be considered as personal data. This includes first and last name, age, postal address, email address, user location or IP address;
  • What are the rights of users regarding this data;
  • Who is responsible for the processing of personal data collected and processed;
  • To whom these data are transmitted;
  • Eventually, the policy of the site regarding files “cookies”.

Article 2: General principles of data collection and processing

In accordance with the provisions of Article 5 of the European Regulation 2016/679, the collection and processing of data from users of the site shall comply with the following principles:

  • Legality, loyalty and transparency: data can only be collected and processed with the consent of the user who owns the data. Whenever personal data is collected, the user will be informed that his or her data is being collected, and for what reasons his or her data is being collected;
  • Limited purposes: the collection and processing of data is carried out in response to one or more purposes determined in these General Conditions of Use;
  • Minimisation of data collection and processing: only the data necessary for the

In order to be lawful, in accordance with the requirements of Article 6 of European Regulation 2016/679, the collection and processing of personal data may take place only if they comply with at least one of the following conditions:

  • The user has expressly consented to the processing;
  • Processing is necessary for the proper performance of a contract;
  • The processing meets a legal obligation;
  • The processing is explained by a necessity linked to the protection of the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person;
  • The processing may be explained by a necessity related to the execution of a mission of public interest or which falls within the exercise of public authority;
  • Processing and collection of personal data is necessary

Article 3: Personal data collected and processed as part of the navigation on the site


The personal data collected on are as follows: First name; Last name; email ; telephone

This data is collected when the user carries out one of the following operations on the site: contact via the contact form.

The controller shall store all the data collected in its IT systems on the site and under reasonable security conditions for a period of: 2 years.

The collection and processing of data meets the following purposes: requests for information and reservations.


The personal data collected by the site are not transmitted to any third party, and are only processed by the site’s publisher.


The website is hosted by OVH.

The data collected and processed by the site are exclusively hosted and processed in France.

Article 4: Data controller


The person responsible for the processing of personal data is: : AVENIR

He can be contacted as follows:

  • by telephone: +33.4 90 83 72 22
  • by email : AVENIR

The data controller shall be responsible for determining the purposes and means of processing personal data.


The controller undertakes to protect the personal data collected, not to transmit them to third parties without the user being informed and to respect the purposes for which the data were collected.

The site has an SSL certificate to ensure that the information and the transfer of data passing through the site is secure.

An SSL (“Secure Socket Layer” Certificate) certificate aims to secure the data exchanged between the user and the site.

In addition, the data controller undertakes to notify the user in the event of rectification or deletion of the data, unless this entails for him disproportionate formalities, costs and steps

Article 5: User rights

In accordance with the regulations concerning the processing of personal data, the user has the rights listed below.

In order for the data controller to grant his request, the user is required to communicate to him: his first and last name as well as his e-mail address, and if this is relevant, his account number or personal or subscriber space.

The data controller is required to respond to the user within a maximum of 30 (thirty) days.


a. Right of access, rectification and right to erasure

The user can read, update, modify or request the deletion of his data, following the procedure set out below by logging into his online account

If the user has one, the user has the right to request the deletion of his personal space by following the following procedure: he must contact the person in charge of the site by email.

b. Right to limitation and opposition of data processing

The user has the right to request the limitation or to oppose the processing of his data by the site, without the site being able to refuse, except to demonstrate the existence of legitimate and compelling reasons, which may prevail over the interests and rights and freedoms of the user.

In order to request the limitation of the processing of his data or to express an opposition to the processing of his data, the user must follow the following procedure: he must contact the responsible of the site by email.

c. Right not to be decided solely on the basis of an automated process

In accordance with the provisions of Regulation 2016/679, the user has the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on an automated process if the decision has legal effects concerning him or her, or significantly affects him or her in a similar manner.

d. Right to determine the fate of data after death

Users are reminded that they can organise the future of their data collected and processed if they die, in accordance with Law No. 2016-1321 of 7 October 2016.

e. Right to refer to the competent supervisory authority

In the event that the data controller decides not to respond to the user’s request, and that the user wishes to challenge this decision, or, if he thinks that one of the rights listed above is infringed, he is entitled to refer the matter to the CNIL (Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés, or any competent judge.


In accordance with the provisions of Article 8 of European Regulation 2016/679 and the French Data Protection Act, only minors aged 15 or over may consent to the processing of their personal data.

If the user is a minor under the age of 15, the agreement of a legal representative will be required so that personal data can be collected and processed.

The site editor reserves the right to verify by any means that the user is over 15 years old, or that he has obtained the agreement of a legal representative before browsing the site.

Article 6: use of “cookies” files

The site may use “cookie” techniques.

A “cookie” is a small file (less than 4 kb), stored by the site on the user’s hard drive, containing information about the user’s browsing habits.

These files allow it to process traffic statistics and information, facilitate navigation and improve the service for the comfort of the user.

For the use of “cookie” files involving the storage and analysis of personal data, the consent of the user is necessarily requested.

This consent of the user is considered valid for a maximum period of 13 (thirteen) months. At the end of this period, the site will again request the user’s permission to save “cookie” files on its hard drive.

a. Opposition of the user to the use of “cookie” files by the site

The user is informed that he can object to the saving of these “cookies” files by configuring his browser software.

For information, the user can find at the following addresses the steps to follow in order to configure his browser software to oppose the saving of “cookies” files:

If the user decides to disable the “cookie” files, he can continue browsing the site. However, any malfunction of the site caused by this manipulation could not be considered as being due to the publisher of the site.

b. Description of the “cookies” files used by the site

The website editor draws the user’s attention to the fact that the following cookies are used when browsing:


Article 7: Conditions for Changes to the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be accessed at any time at the following address:

The publisher of the site reserves the right to modify it in order to guarantee its conformity with the law in force.

Therefore, the user is invited to regularly consult this privacy policy in order to stay informed of the latest changes that will be made.

It is brought to the attention of the user that the last update of this privacy policy occurred on: 15/01/2024.

430 Chemin de l'Islon Saint-Luc 84230 Châteauneuf-du-Pape

+33.4 90 83 72 22